Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

About Us

“The Project’s impact objective is to improve access and delivery of justice in the Caribbean region”


The EDF Project commenced in September 2022 and will end in the year 2025, as a Caribbean access and delivery of justice initiative, funded under a EUR690k grant agreement and a EUR1.26M Procurement Component with the European Union. The purpose of the Referral aspect of the project is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and training in the practical application of the law in the Court’s Original Jurisdiction under the provisions of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas (RTC) and to simultaneously strengthen the administration of justice in the Caribbean.

The three main objectives include:

a) Strengthening the functions and outreach of the CCJ,

b) Supporting the establishment and operationalization of the Caribbean Community Administrative Tribunal (CCAT); and

c) the advancement of legal education in the Caribbean. The project is being executed by the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) for the Grant Component of the Agreement in collaboration with the CARICOM Secretariat for the Procurement Component.

“The Project’s impact objective is to improve access and delivery of justice in the Caribbean region”

Project Organization

The Project office became staffed in mid-April 2023 with the engagement of the following full-time persons:

Project Coordinator – Mr. John Furlonge; and

Administrative Officer – Ms. Wendy Mitchell

The Project environment externally is free of any travel restrictions as the region has exited the Global Pandemic. While COVID remains a reality, its impact on human life has significantly reduced when compared to the era of travel restrictions.

The Project Office was designed to fit as a new unit under the Corporate Administration Division of the CCJ and thus follows the existing policies and procedures of the CCJ in carrying out its mandate.

The Project office is responsible for coordinating all activities under the EDF which invariably requires collaborative efforts with existing departments of the CCJ.
